I’ve added a new morning routine to my schedule over the last few days. Now that I’ve decided to wear a different pair of earrings every day, I lie in bed for a few minutes after I wake up, thinking about what outfit to wear. And when I say outfit, I mean leggings and a tee-shirt with a sweater or sweatshirt, at least for the morning. Then I head to my jewelry box and pick out what I call “the earrings of the day.” As I slide each drawer out of the box, I hear the earrings calling to me, vying for my attention, because after all, they’ve been in isolation for the last month too. Some of them have been neglected for much longer, and I do feel guilty about leaving them scrunched in there for so long. My gaze rests on the Native American lavender and white beaded earrings my older son gave me long ago. I have no idea where he found them. All I know is I’ve always loved them, and especially love that he picked them out for me. I stare at them for a moment and then pluck them out and put them on.

Voila — it’s going to be a purple day! I call it…Isolation Chic!

On a serious note, please consider donating food and/or money if you can to a local food bank today. My friend Judi has been making calls to needy people in our area who depend on food bank supplies, to let them know their deliveries will be coming soon. Everyone she called has been appreciative but she told me many of them asked, “Could you possibly bring the food today?”